Sales Meeting Planner Template

An essential client relationship building tool

The 3-page, interactive Sales Meeting Planner Template helps to ensure you have meetings with clients and prospective clients that help build trust – making them want to buy from you.

Developed by bestselling author Keith Dugdale based on proven sales methods

The Sales Meeting Planner Template walks you through a simple step-by-step process to plan for not only the content of your meeting, but the process of your meeting……which is where most sales meetings go wrong.

Get the confidence to avoid the traditional sales pitch

People hate being sold to. This free template will help you to avoid going down the path of a traditional sales pitch meeting where you talk all about yourself and your business or offering. This undermines trust, and builds a risky technical relationship where you usually only win on price.


Managing Director at The Business of Trust

Keith Dugdale is an international speaker and the co-author of Smarter Selling: How to grow sales by building trusted relationships. He helps people, teams and organisations around the world improve the trust they have with their clients through his business, The Business of Trust.